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Power composter eMB-Starter, Pond cleaner, 1 liter

Power composter eMB-Starter, Pond cleaner, 1 liter

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The power couple of composting and waste treatment:

The eMB Starter Power composter enhances the operation of eMB-Active in composting and waste processing, as well as cleaning the waters of natural ponds.

Bad smell or unwanted bacteria are associated with biological waste treatment. eMB products reduce the bad smell by preventing the rotting process. With the help of Mikrobien, composting organic waste significantly reduces the amount of work, because only a few turns are needed.

IN COMPOSTING : eMB-Starter brings more power to the operation of eMB-Active and promotes odorless and fast composting.
Sometimes more drastic measures are needed when it comes to smelly and difficult-to-compost substances and fats, and for that eMB-Startteri is in place alongside eMB-Active.
eMB-Active and eMB-Starter are also widely used in wastewater treatment.

Use of eMB-Active: eMB-Active is either sprayed dissolved in water or mixed/sprayed directly onto smelly, difficult-to-compost material.
Add 20ml to compostable material, e.g. cottage garden compost and let the process proceed in peace

Amount of use: Cubed compostable material: 1 liter eMB-Active plus 100ml eMB-Starter

Three stages of composting with eMB:

1. Pile up a cube of grass clippings, wood chips and other compostable material and add 1 liter of eMB-Active/per cube of material plus 100ml of eMB Starter if the mass is particularly greasy and difficult to compost.
2. Protect the pile from rain and let the microbes work in peace for three weeks. The pile should contain both green and brown material for optimal results. If the pile is very wet, it should be turned once or twice, otherwise not.
3. After three weeks, turn the material once a week for a month and at the same time spray 1dl of eMB Active to speed up the final composting process.
This way you have received great, rich composted material in 7-8 weeks.
There's only one problem with compost: It always runs out.

Do the kitchen pipes or the shower floor drain smell?
Add a capful of eMB-active three times a week for a good month. During that time, microbes have settled on the surfaces of the pipes and multiplied in the pipelines so that the odors are removed effectively. Microbes stuck to the surface of the pipes (microbial film) also prevent dirt and grease from adhering to the edge of the pipes in the future. The pipes stay clean, functional and odor-free... and best of all: TOXIC- FREE

eMB Active promotes odor-free decomposition of persistent substances in composting, waste water and sewage sludge treatment. eMB Active is widely used in waste water and waste management. It can be used in cesspits, septic tanks, small sewage works and municipal sewage works. It is either sprayed with water or mixed with odor Intensive substances to eliminate bad odors. Complies with EU directive 2092/91 appendix II A, as amended, and may be used in organic farming

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