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Neudorff Bio-Lawn fertilizer

Neudorff Bio-Lawn fertilizer

Regular price €34,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €34,00 EUR
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I ask you three questions:
1. Does your lawn have moss or is your lawn only moss?

2. Do you have to remove the brown patches from your lawn every spring?

3. Do you feel that after traditional fertilization your lawn grows unusually strong, but after 3 or 4 mowings it looks exactly the same as before fertilization?

If you answered yes to two or even all three questions, you can certainly ask yourself whether the lawn care measures and preparations up to now have been very appropriate.

The vigorous growth of the lawn after the application of water-soluble fertilizer is an indication that there are no nutrient reserves left in the soil and the grass plants are completely dependent on the fertilizer given to them.

A root blanket is always formed in the lawn when there are few or no soil microbes in the soil. In a lawn growing in biologically active soil, this kind of blanket soil is not formed from dying roots, clippings and moss, because the bacteria and fungi of the soil and compost quickly convert the dying materials into soil-enriching humus and nutrients for grass plants.

Without this natural composting process, the soil quickly becomes depleted and infertile. Clay soils become compacted, wetlands appear in them, the soil becomes acidic and creates much better growing conditions for moss than for grass plants. Acid rain accelerates this moss formation.

A biological alternative

Use the forces of nature to your advantage. Create the conditions for a naturally functioning bio-system in your lawn. Painstaking surface treatment of the lawn is unnecessary - trillions of tiny organisms do the work for you.

The soil becomes more and more spongy and absorbs water better. The tendency to moss formation disappears. The lawn becomes dense, which takes away the living space from the weeds and they disappear, and the lawn becomes evenly green and durable. Your lawn will look like a bear's fur.

Is your lawn covered in moss?

Why is lime needed? The soil must have a sufficient lime content so that the most important soil microbes can live and multiply and keep the soil viable for plants. In addition to removing acidity, lime is an important building material for all micro-organisms and especially for plants.
Without lime there is no living soil Microorganisms in the soil act as humus generators. These microbes need soil that is moist enough, with air conditioning working, and with a neutral pH (acidity level) of 7 or only slightly acidic, pH 5-7.

If lime is missing…? The lime content of the soil decreases because plants use lime to grow. It is also washed into the lower layers of the earth.

With the pH test you determine
the soil's lime requirement easily

Azet VitalKalkki neutralizes soil acids

The harmful acidity of the soil is increased by e.g. decomposition processes, use of peat and acid rain.

The more acidic the soil becomes, the easier substances harmful to the environment and heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and aluminum dissolve in it. In dissolved form, the poisons get into the groundwater and thus into plants and people.

If the pH value drops below 5.5, almost all soil microbes die. Also, plant nutrients are no longer transformed into plant food, and the fertility of the soil decreases rapidly. If the pH value has dropped too low, the plants will not be able to take advantage of the fertilizer given to them. In this case, the fertilization is wasted and nothing grows properly. In Finland, the soil is naturally too acidic for most plants. The correct pH value for almost all plants is 6–7, for grass 6.5–7. Exceptions are rhododendrons, hydrangeas, azaleas and bush blueberries, whose pH value must be approx. 5.

Why Azet VitalKalk? Azet VitalKalkki quickly removes soil acidity and is a building material for plant cells.
Azet VitalKalkki contains important main nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.

Azet VitalLime contains unique nitrogen-soil microbes that bind nitrogen directly from the air and are able to convert it into usable nutrients for plants. The nitrogen is in a bound form and does not dissolve as happens when using chemical, water-soluble fertilizers. Azoto microbes give off growth substances that especially promote the growth of seedlings and the formation of roots.

Azet VitalKalkki also contains ground seaweed and 5% magnesium. Seaweed enriches Azet VitalKalkki with more than 70 different trace elements, hormones, enzymes and amino acids.

Azet VitalKalkki activates soil life, improves soil structure and makes the soil fertile.

When used regularly, Azet VitalKalkki removes moss from your lawn.
When is Azet VitalKalk used? Azet VitalKalkki contains mild natural lime that does not burn the lawn even in summer and can be used all year round. It does not create dust when applied, and thanks to the seaweed it contains, it is pleasantly gray and inconspicuous. One very important area of ​​use is the lawn. Azet VitalKalkki prevents the formation of moss.

How much Azet VitalKalk is used? Plants consume about 10 kg/100 m² of lime per year. This amount of lime must be added to the soil every year and is called maintenance liming. If lime has not been added annually and e.g. there is moss in the lawn, a basic liming of 20–50 kg/100 m² must be carried out. In addition to liming, plants also need food, i.e. fertilizer, for their growth; Bio-Garden fertilizer for bushes and trees, Bio-Lawn fertilizer for the lawn and Bio-Special fertilizers for other plants.

Free research

Bring us a handful of soil from your yard, we'll test its pH value quickly for free. You will immediately receive the necessary treatment instructions.

Azet VitalLime

•Removes the harmful acidity of moss and soil

•Calcium carbonate is mild and does not cause burning even in summer

•Contains soil microbes, natural lime, magnesium and seaweed

•Unique nitrogen microbes bind nitrogen from the air and promote root formation and plant growth, no more chemical water-soluble nitrogen addition to the soil

•Changes fertilizers for use by plants

•Strengthens plants against diseases

•Improves soil fertility

•Contains 70 different trace elements, hormones, enzymes and amino acids

•Use 10–50 kg/ m²

Add Em-Active, i.e. BioProffa Emma, ​​to the lawn, which contains effective microbes that strengthen the root system and contribute to the lawn's ability to absorb nutrients. In connection with sowing, you can also add EM ceramic powder and Terrafert Maa solution, so that the germination of the lawn starts immediately with strength and strength.
When establishing a new lawn (100m2)
10 liters of Em-Active Emma
1 liter Terrafert Lehti
1 kg EM ceramic powder
100 liters of water
- water the newly sown lawn area once

For patchy and poorly maintained grass (100m2)
1 liter Em-Active Emma
20 ml Terrafert Leaf
10 liters of water
- water 2-3 times during the growing season

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