Multikraft Bio Bokashi Terra, Bio Bokashi Earth
1 kg, a suitable amount for about 5 large stage collars
10 kg is enough for about 100 square meters
and a giant package of 20 kg
Organic Multikraft's Bio Bokashi® Terra is a certified organic soil additive that contains effective microorganisms and valuable nutrients. As an organic substance (like e.g. compost) it provides nutrients to important soil organisms and thus stimulates their activity. The more organisms present in the soil, the better the plants can absorb nutrients. Fertilizer costs can thus be permanently reduced. The higher the level of biological activity in the soil, the healthier and stronger the plants. They bloom longer and better and are better able to withstand temperature fluctuations or lack of water.
Use: Mix about 100g/m2 into the surface soil and let it take effect two weeks before sowing/planting. An excellent addition to potato beds before planting potatoes.
Bio Bokashi Terra effectively improves and softens clay soil with the help of microorganisms.
If the soil is clay, double the amount of Bio Bokashi Terra and add plenty of biochar (which does not include the finest i.e. 0mm size) and, if possible, prepared bokashi soil and other living soil material.