Biochar is a real miracle substance that improves the structure of the growing medium and its ability to retain nutrients and moisture. In addition to moisture, biochar also binds carbon and pollutants from the air and soil, which offers many opportunities in solving global warming. Biochar enriches and activates soil microbes and is the best "home" for soil microbes. Toxic substances in the soil can also bind to biochar. Biochar-enriched soil gives a richer and healthier harvest.
Biochar should be added to the garden compost and the bokashi kitchen composter. In this way, you get an absolutely amazing carbon-binding, nutrient-rich growing medium, where the nutrients are preserved for a long time. Because biochar effectively binds moisture, it can be used at the bottom of mulch factories and bokashi composters to absorb bokashi liquid, i.e. charging, or it can be mixed with biowaste with grit, especially when the waste mass is too wet. Biochar effectively prevents the formation of odors. Biochar is also excellent for binding odors in the outdoor area of the summer house.
Biochar can also be used as a cover to keep the earth's surface protected from the sun, to prevent the growth of weeds and to bind carbon from the air.
Whatever the application, the more biochar finds its way into the soil, the better. Microbes, plants and nature thank you!
Usage quantities for untreated BioProffan Biochar Nero
Mix about a handful of biochar in a 5-liter pot of soil (remember to add nutrients and plenty of water, so that the biochar does not take moisture and nutrients away from the plants). Allow to charge before planting. You can also charge biochar, for example, in containers with a strong fertilizer solution.
Mix the biochar in the growing medium, remember watering and nutrients.
Growing medium: at least 100 kg / 100m2 (1kg = about 3 liters)
For the cultivation collar: about a bucket (10 l) of biochar is ground into soil. Put the fertilizer solution in a bucket with biochar overnight and spread the charged biochar on the collar. Alternatively, spread biochar and fertilizers on the surface of the soil. Water well a few times and let it recharge.
Certified biochar
Transport: Freight to your door, well packed on a Finnish pallet